
Modern Kitchen Designs

5.02.2016 usaexpo Kitchen news

The homes in which we live in  are most often the place in which we as individuals thrive, relax, and most importantly spend time with family and feel the most comfortable. The phrase “the home is where the heart is” should be changed to “the kitchen is where the heart is”. Each separate room within our homes serves a different purpose and should therefore be designed to suit this purpose in the most effective manner and in a manner that improves our quality of life.

Our kitchens-although some may disagree- are probably the most important room within our homes and are most likely the places in which we spend the most time in either cooking and preparing meals for our families or cleaning up after a certain meal. Therefore to reduce the number of unnecessary hours spent within our kitchens it is imperative that our kitchens be designed with a modernistic approach that improves our quality of life through making cooking, preparing and cleaning up simpler and less time taking. Within this day and age there are many modern kitchen designs that could be implemented within your home to simply improve your quality of life and allow you to spend that spare time with your family.

Transforming your old kitchen to a more modern design isn’t as hard as it sounds! In fact when attempting to remodel your kitchen there a few key elements that if implemented, could completely revolutionize the way your current kitchen looks and feels. These elements include:

  • Innovative Technology: The kitchens of today exhibit innovative technology that really gives off that modern feel. These include motorized cabinets that can open and close with the press of a button, hotplate stove tops that use colour to indicate their temperature and long necked hose taps that can swivel and turn in any direction and release water at high pressures that make washing dishes so much easier.


  • Lighting: No matter how modern your kitchen is, lighting can make the world of a difference to the complete look of your kitchen as poor lighting can create an unpleasant atmosphere. Your kitchen needs illumination that eliminates shadows inside the whole room as well as specific lighting for certain areas. For example down lights built in to ceiling can provide lighting for specific areas in addition to this under cabinet lighting can provide much needed illumination for work areas in which most of the cutting and cooking takes place. Modern kitchen designs also incorporate natural light which also will also you to cut down on electricity bills and help create a brighter and more open environment which prevents those nasty accidents that are common within kitchens.


  • Stainless Steel finishes: When replacing your taps, or cupboard handles aim to use as much stainless steel finishes where possible. This is a common trend amongst all modern kitchen designs and creates a sleek fresh look within your kitchen. Not only this but stain less steel finishes allow for a greater grip when held.

The Gray Bathroom

3.02.2016 usaexpo Bathroom news

Our bathrooms can sometimes be a less desirable place to be. Designing a new bathroom scheme can be a fun project to undertake. If you make mistakes in the color, it can be easily fixed. Take into consideration how you would like your bathroom to look. Think about the floor layout when deciding where the focal point of the bathroom should be. Once you choose your focal point, you can begin to design around it and everything else will fall into place.

Defining your Space

When defining the space of your bathroom it is important to define the focal point. Your focal point can become the defining space of your bathroom. The gray color scheme may seem a little daunting at first, but paired with complementary colors will make it pop. Do not just throw a coat of paint on the wall. You can use a variety of textures to bring out the depth of your colors. The gray color is just the foundation for the complementary aspects of your design. Use a combination of light and dark gray colors that blend in well. Use lighter grays for the wall and a combination of light and dark for the floors. Throw in a neutral color such as tan or beige to break up any areas that need a pop of lighter colors.


Now that you have your colors on the walls and floors, it is time to think about the cabinets. The cabinet space can be designed in a traditional or contemporary fashion that fits in well with your color scheme. Pick pieces that will catch the eye of those that will be visiting your home.  Keep in mind that if your space is small do not use bulky pieces that take up too much room. Find pieces that are functional but fit in well with the space that you have.


When thinking about lighting, think about what you want to highlight in the room. Lighting can take on the functional and the beauty aspects of the room. It is important to choose lighting that will bring out the natural beauty of the room. The right lighting will enhance the focal point of the room you have designed. Depending on your mood, use lighting that will soften the harder edges of the room.

Final Thoughts

The bathroom may be the least thought of place in anyone’s home. This room is generally taken for granted and looked over in most cases. Even though the gray color scheme may seem too dark and dreary, it can be designed in a way that is beautiful. This room can be put together in a fashion that will reflect your own personal style. Designing the bathroom should not be a daunting project that you just want to hurry to get done. Putting together the bathroom should be just as special as designing any other part of your home. The bathroom will become a place in your home you can be proud of to call your own.

Kitchen Remodeling Trends of 2016

28.01.2016 usaexpo Kitchen news

Not interested in doing a complete kitchen remodel but want to update your kitchen to the twenty-first century? Consider these tips to take your kitchen remodel to the next level with just a few simple steps.

Color is a big part of a kitchen remodel. In 2016, the top color choices are again turning minimalistic, with a heightened focus on the nude and classic colors. For example, traditional whitewashed walls? They’re so out of focus. Instead, the new white is actually various shades of gray, from light to dark. Grey is definitely a top trending color, in fact designers are predicting that gray countertops and cabinetry will upstage the traditional white looks.

Another kitchen remodel design trend in 2016 is instead of designing a kitchen based around style and appeal, to redesign one that is centered around functionality. Easy to close doors, access to storage and reliable appliances are the best choices for a kitchen remodel in terms of 2016.

In addition to seeing a rise in popularity of gray countertops and cabinets, there has also been a rise in the appeal of black and white design palettes. This type of classic design has been considered an ageless design, one that is not foreseen to ever go totally out of style, which makes it a good option for a kitchen remodel in 2016. But what is coming into style this year is fresh hues and colors that revitalize your kitchen sink. Think about an eye-catching green or blue sink finish to draw attention to the sink in your new kitchen. Just a small pop of color in a black and white classic kitchen can really make your new design pop.

Yet another way to make your kitchen remodel pop is to install bold fixtures in your new design. Try installing oversized light fixtures in unique stains or finishes or perhaps a luxurious wood cabinet that make a strong statement in your kitchen design. You can alternatively do this by using the natural light in your kitchen to contrast light and shadow.  Metal range hoods are also making a comeback in kitchen remodels in 2016.

Another trending kitchen remodel design feature for 2016 is increased functionality and storage. Using up all possible areas of storage are must in creating a kitchen that is neat, organized and clutter-free. Consider installing corner cabinets or pullout storage cabinets to clear away more counter space in your kitchen. An alternative suggestion for clearing even more counter space is to install a pull out knife block in a cabinet, thus getting rid of the unsightly block from your countertops.

So when you are considering a kitchen remodel to update the feel and look of your space, consider one with a slightly cleaner feel with bold lines and less fussy details. It will not only let you enjoy your kitchen space, have plenty of storage available and provide a kitchen style that is more compatible with the style of the rest of your home.




Kitchen Remodeling Details

25.01.2016 usaexpo Kitchen news

The kitchen has eventually dethroned the living room as the heart of any home for a good reason. Other than its essential functions which mainly involve cooking, food preparation and eating, its uses have evolved into much, much more. Today, the modern kitchen is the place where families gather, guests are entertained, and kids do their homework, along with a whole lot of extras. This makes kitchen remodeling a must to bring about the most appealing and functional result for a good boost in your home’s value and your quality of living.

In New York and other big cities, the hectic living soon causes people to crave for some splash of change, especially in their homes which ought to be where comfort soothes stress away. Being the most frequented area, any kitchen remodeling changes made would surely create an impact to the household. When kitchen remodeling, there are key essential points to focus on to achieve success.

Kitchen Cabinets

The cabinetry is considered as the building blocks as well as the visual focal point of the kitchen. In your kitchen remodeling project, you can either choose to reface or totally replace your kitchen cabinets. Your choice of material will not only affect how luxurious the cabinets would look but the length working years as well. The design should also be done in such a way that storage is maximized to avoid clutter in the area.


Stone countertops, especially granite, are now in demand. This may come in natural stone form or engineered. But either way, these options can create the most beautiful and durable options. When thinking about replacing countertops, you might as well shop for a matching sink.


The heavy-duty use of the kitchen flooring asks for a flooring type to withstand all the scratches, stains, spills and traffic. The options for your kitchen remodeling from which to choose from are many with hardwood, ceramic tiles, laminate, and vinyl; as the more popular choices. Recently, the ‘Green Movement’ which has taken not only New York but the whole country as well by storm has made famous alternatives of bamboo, linoleum, and even cork.


Because of the many important purposes that the kitchen serves, lighting is a very important element in your kitchen remodeling project that you need to use optimally. Lighting fixtures should be present in key areas, wherever specific tasks are done. Your choice of lighting can bring out not only efficiency in the tasks at hand but the drama in the kitchen as well.

Certain kitchen remodeling trends are popular as of the moment. One benefit of going with the trend is that pricing of even the most expensive materials or features will fall due to the high demand and growing number of businesses catering to them. So in choosing your designs, you can either go for timeless ones or a trend that will stay for a while. But whatever idea you have in mind, just make sure that both aesthetic appeal and functionality is implemented. And always remember, craftsmanship and product selection are keys to your project success.


Going Green with Your Bathroom Remodel

19.01.2016 usaexpo Bathroom news

Whenever you plan to remodel your bathroom, always make it a point that it radically diminishes water and energy usage and yet comes out in a more attractive, comfortable and a pretty way.  Green bathrooms are the need of the hour and many have sworn to make things go green, be it house or bathroom.

Your bathroom can now turn eco-friendly, once you get a chance to remodel it.  From start to finish you can select options that give you an edge over and make your bathing a pleasurable experience.   However, here are a few tips that may help you go green in your bathroom solutions.

 Save water

Water wise fixtures are one thing everyone can choose to make their bathroom experience a heavenly one.  The toilets and shower heads do not have extreme water pressure in original, however getting timers installed at shower heads, sink faucets can reduce water usage considerably.  Old toilet flushes use more water than new ones.  Hence replacing the old ones can help save you a great deal of H2o.

Environment friendly products.

When you have decided on the fixtures and other replacements to be made, you can choose certain things or materials that can be recycled.     Usage of shower enclosure wall, harvested wood for cabinetry, skipping of toxic material like PVC and low VOC paint can help you keep your oasis green.


When it comes to lighting up your bathroom always use fluorescent bulbs, install solar lights or increase natural lighting, replace the old water heater with a more efficient new one which may help keep the bathroom eco-friendly.

Reuse things

You always stand an option of reusing and recycling things by repainting of the existing vanity and by choosing recycled building materials.  You can always opt for recycled glass tiles that are biodegradable than ceramic tiles without compromising on the outcome.

Installation of exhaust fan

Exhaust fans in a controlled way pushes out moisture and odour and helps save the walls and tiles from getting eroded by moisture.  You can always forget to turn these fans off, hence always fix new exhausts that get switched off automatically with its inbuilt censors.

Using low adhesives, low VOC paints.

The components of paint, sealers and adhesive usually continue emitting volatile organic compounds for years after being applied, Low VOC paints and grouts help maintain high air quality inside the bathroom.

Using curtains

It is a good idea to always replace doors with fabric curtains.  If your bathroom is spacious and provides you opportunity to fix up a curtain in the shower area, go for it.


Going green with your bathroom needs not only is friendly with your budget, but also gives you higher quality bathroom experience.  Besides energy cost it also gives you a healthy environment to breath.    You can always talk to your architect or contractor and share your views of going green and ask them to help implement your ideas in the right way, direction and course. They help you take the right decision for a green world.


Cost Effective Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

18.01.2016 usaexpo Bathroom news

When the time comes to remodel your bathroom one of the first things you may have done is look into how much it costs and think that you have to put it off until finances pick up, but that is not necessarily the case. With cost effective bathroom remodeling ideas, you could have the bathroom you have always wanted without having to take out hefty loans or go without. Depending on how much of the bathroom you want to make changes to you could save yourself thousands and even make thousands if/when you choose to sell in the future.

Reduce tiling

Instead of worrying about tiling the whole bathroom, especially if you need someone to come in and do it for you reduce the area you need to cover. Modern ways of doing this are to create a strip of pattern rather than a whole wall. The rest of the wall can be painted instead and it could work out as more of a feature. If you have found a tile that is expensive and you don’t want to compromise on a cheaper kind then why not incorporate it and use it around the edges of a cheaper tile instead for an effect that no one else will have?

Find budget counter tops

When looking for counter tops people look for perfection, forgetting that a lot of the area will be taken up by their sink. Looking for imperfections could get you a discount especially if you are looking to use a granite slab or similar.

You could make something new out of something old by using an old dresser as a pedestal for your sink. All you will have to do is take out any drawers that will get in the way internally, make holes for plumbing and decorate it to your color scheme. If you look in retail stores or online you will see how much similar styles are being sold for and realize how much you could save by making one yourself from an old piece of furniture.

Little things make a difference!

Even if you are looking for a totally overhaul, you could be surprised at how much of a difference changing just the fixtures can make. With an array of different paints and grouting colors on the market, you could totally update your bathroom without having to spend a fortune. Changing the taps, light fixtures and even draw pulls could make it all look totally new.

Reline the tub

If your bath tub or shower tray is looking worse for wear, you can have it relined instead of replacing the whole thing which is a lot cheaper!

Second hand rather than vintage replica

Replicas of old style fixtures and fittings can be expensive, where as you could have the real thing and do it up. Lots of people throw out old items and put them up for sale for a lot less than they are worth on websites and even restoration shops. Second hand doesn’t have to mean substandard. Just look around for a bargain.



Common Bathroom Design Mistakes to Avoid.

15.01.2016 usaexpo Bathroom news

Redesigning or adding elements to a house can be a cumbersome task for a home maker. In order to remould your bathroom interiors into something flashy and attractive, you need to invest more patience and decision making power. Other than the rest of the elements of a house, a bathroom is also important and needs utmost care and precision.

When remodelling your bathroom designs from something old to something classy, you should make sure that it does not demand much of your money and time. Some mistakes that you make while designing your bathroom can be fixed, but there are some that cannot be amended. You need to make sure that your bathroom is also a place that most of your guests would use and take a look at. So it should be equally alluring for at least a decade or so.

While redesigning your bathroom, there are a few mistakes that you need to avoid.

  • The first and the foremost thing that you need to make sure does not turn into a big mistake are your bathroom walls. The most terrible thing about a bathroom is leaking walls or fungus laden walls. Many a times, seepage problems can take place which further lead to fungus filled walls. In order to avoid this, you should ask your architect to use a waterproof adhesive for bathroom tiles. Architects design fitted walls thinking that water cannot percolate through it. But, this is the biggest bathroom designing mistake, because water and condensation can pass through the minutest amount of space.
  • The second most commonly made mistake while designing bathrooms is the placement of doors. People seldom design their bathroom seats close to the door, and this poses a problem for them. You should make sure that the placement of sink and toilet seat should either be a far corner or a centre. When talking about allowing space for a door, you should make sure that your bathroom door should be able to have a full swing. People install bathroom seats and sinks close to the door, which leads to constant hit and friction, in case you have a small bathroom, you can use a door that opens outwards.
  • People seldom use in trend colours that are bright and patterned for their bathrooms. But, these dark colours and patterns go out of fashion very soon. So you should use constant colours for your bathroom. This would also be less money consuming.
  • People many a times do not pay heed to the cleanliness of their bathroom. So in order to avoid a messy look into your bathroom you can install and shower tray or a corner in your bathroom. This tray or corner can hold all your vanity items, such as shampoo and other things. Thus your bathroom would look cleaner.
  • People do not take bathroom interiors very seriously. And there are incidents where they make their bathrooms congested and claustrophobic. So, you should install windows in your bathroom so that there is room for sunlight and air.

These bathroom mistakes should be avoided, so that your bathroom experience is hassle free.

Creative Bathroom Remodeling Featured

11.11.2014 usaexpo Bathroom news

Bаthrооmѕ tend tо fall tо thе wауѕidе when it comes tо decorating. Ironically, the ѕmаll аrеа iѕ асtuаllу advantageous. In thiѕ ѕрасе, you hаvе the аrtiѕtiс frееdоm to be bоld and funkу in a way that уоu may nоt bе brave enough tо trу in a high-trаffiс rооm. When рlаnning уоur bаthrооm remodel, consider gоing fоr аn eclectic ѕtуlе аnd unlеаѕh your inner сrеаtivitу. Tо get уоu started, here аrе a fеw idеаѕ fоr a uniԛuе аnd есlесtiс bаthrооm remodel.

Wаll Cоvеringѕ

Bоld соlоr ѕсhеmеѕ саn really bring a modern feel to the room аnd turn it intо a роint оf intеrеѕt. Fоr a funkу room, bright colors аrе best, whеrеаѕ deep ѕhаdеѕ оf рurрlе or burgundу can givе thе rооm a сlаѕѕiс lооk with еdgе. You mау аlѕо соnѕidеr wаllрареr оr border with large оr intense patterns.


Yоu have mаnу flooring орtiоnѕ for an eclectic bаthrооm remodel. Onе fun look iѕ thе retro dеѕign оf blасk and whitе сhесkеd tilе. Yоu саn gеt сrеаtivе and uѕе аnоthеr bright соlоr in lieu оf black. Laminate flooring саn also bе еxtrеmеlу аttrасtivе fоr the оvеrаll lооk оf уоur bаthrооm. Basic whitе tilе саn рut emphasis оn other соlоrѕ аnd еlеmеntѕ thrоughоut thе ѕрасе. Ornate аnd раttеrnеd rugѕ can аdd a lоvеlу tоuсh tо almost аnу flooring.

Lighting & Hardware

In addition to оvеrhеаd lights оr decorative wall ѕсоnсеѕ, соnѕidеr mаking uѕе оf a funky floor lamp, оr even a tаblе lаmр ѕtrаtеgiсаllу рlасеd on a vаnitу. Brаѕѕ tones are gоrgеоuѕ and work well fоr faucets and оthеr bаthrооm hаrdwаrе. Onе аrеа where you саn gеt раrtiсulаrlу сrаftу iѕ with thе knоbѕ and drаwеr рullѕ to cabinets. You can rеаllу uѕе mоѕt any оbjесt, аnd with a fеw drillеd hоlеѕ, it саn bесоmе a part of уоur hаrdwаrе. This mismatched аnd unique lооk will mаkе your bаthrооm ѕtаnd оut.


Dереnding оn уоur preferences, уоu hаvе ѕеvеrаl choices fоr a bаthtub. Slееk, mоdеrn tub & shower combinations definitely work, еѕресiаllу whеn bordered bу bоld tilеѕ. Anоthеr consideration iѕ a large Japanese style washtub of frее ѕtаnding claw-foot tub in thе middlе of thе rооm. Whеn it соmеѕ to sinks, уоu can орt fоr a funky vanity, or a frее standing sink. A fun lооk iѕ thе рlасеmеnt оf twо реdеѕtаl ѕinkѕ ѕidе by ѕidе with miѕmаtсhеd mirrоrѕ. Cоnѕult with a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl fоr other uniԛuе ideas.

Aссеѕѕоriеѕ & Dесоrаtiоnѕ

“Rеаl” furniturе likе аn overstuffed chair оr drеѕѕing tаblе rеаllу аddѕ tо thе eclectic look. Multiрlе ѕhеlving units саn bе bоth funсtiоnаl аnd dесоrаtivе as you may uѕе them for ѕtоrаgе оf tоwеlѕ, оr to diѕрlау аrt and books. Cоlоrful wall оr mirror tilеѕ аѕ well аѕ large раintingѕ add tо thе intеrеѕt оf thе ѕрасе. Lastly, уоu саn make use оf Southshore’s асrуliс bathtub liners in a variety оf colors аnd designs tо tie еvеrуthing tоgеthеr.